Friday, March 30, 2007

2007子供文化祭インフォメーション – Children’s Festival Information

第五回子供文化祭は五月五日(土)午後一時から牛後五時までスミスアカデミーで行われます。場所は「1600 Tyvola Road Charlotte NC 28210」です。

The fifth annual Japanese Children’s festival will be held on May 5th from 1:00pm-4:00pm at the Smith Academy of International Languages which is located at 1600 Tyvola Road Charlotte NC 28210.


There will be many kinds of Japanese culture related activities such as games, plays, martial arts, calligraphy and more. There will be many types of Japanese food. Creating an awareness about Japanese culture and language is the goal.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

子供文化祭の写真2007-Japanese Childrens Festival Pictures 2007

This looks like great fun!楽しそう!
Dont the origami flowers look beautiful? 折り紙で作った花きれいじゃない?
Can you see the skillfull writing? 上手な字が見えますか?
The Japanese Children's festival was seen on TV! 子供文化祭はテレビで放送されました!
Isn't he cute in that Hakama? この子のはかまはかわいいね?
The kids made this beautiful sign! 子供たちがこの看板を作りましたよ!

Look at all the wonderful shops! 素敵な店を見てよ。Dont you want to eat the yummy candy? 美味しいお菓子を食べたい?

Look at the skillfullKendo practice! 上手な剣道練習を見てよ。 This play looks so interesting! このお芝居はとても面白い似たいよ。

I can hear the beautiful music! 美しい音楽を聞けますよ!

子供文化祭の目的 Children's Japanese Festival's Goals

  • この地域の人々の日本の理解を深める。
  • To expand awareness of Japanese culture in our community.

  • 日頃学習している日本語の発表の場を設け、生徒および学生の学習意欲を高める。
  • To provide an opportunity for students to share what they have learned and encourage them to learn more.

  • この地域で日本語が開購されている学校間の連帯を図り交流を深める。
  • To maintain and strengthen the alliance among schools and collegest that offer Japanese language in our area.

  • 日本語教材の購人や日本への短期留学などの寄付金を募る。
  • To fundraise for authentic materials from Japan, Japanese competitions, and cultural field trips including a trip to Japan.